Norton Baptist Church

Pastoral teamPastoral Team

The Pastoral Team provide additional pastoral support to the Pastoral Staff, GT3 Group leaders and others in the church. They get involved in the more time-demanding situations or those where specialist skills are needed. They also pastorally look after those who are not part of a GT3 group and are a point of contact for those outside of the church seeking help.

The Pastoral Team will also arrange upon request for Holy Communion to be given to those unable to get to church and for ongoing prayer ministry for those who are in need of regular prayer support and/or anointing with oil for healing.

All matters shared with Pastoral Team individuals are treated as confidential and not shared outside of the team or within the team unless permission has been given by the person concerned.

The Pastoral Team is co-ordinated by Martin and Bobbie to whom all referrals should ideally be made.